Chanon Limpipolpaibul is a 3rd year student from INIAD, Toyo University with a passion for building applications he wants. He loves in planning, development all the way of solving real-life problems with code, specialized in full-stack web development.
- 2002 Born in Chiang Mai, Thailand
- 2019 Exchange in Saitama via YFU Full Scholarship
- 2021~ INIAD, Toyo University Full Scholarship
CA Tech Kids, Inc.Latest
Programming Mentor
- Got a "Best Coach" award for 2023.
- Teaching QUREO, Scratch, and Unity to elementary and middle school students.
- Translating QUREO programming materials from Japanese to English.
freee Inc.
Engineer Intern
- Joined the global team and developed new features using React and Go.
- Improve the workflow UX by removing unnecessary steps in the process resulting in 2 times faster.
- Add new features to the existing application resulting in being able to add the data from UI, and migrating JS to TS.
Sansan Inc.
Server-side Intern
- Solve the scraping problems with TypeScript.
- Passed 23/30 test cases resulting in top 6 based on around 20 interns.
Ateam Inc.
Engineer Intern
- Development using React and Ruby on Rails.
- Hearing the feedback and needs of the client and making adjustments to the design and implementation of the application.
Server-side Intern
- Workshop for API designing, based on ER diagram, Sequence diagram and requirements from the client.
- Got excellent feedback from mentor and being representative of the team for presentation
Diamond head Co.,Ltd.
Backend Developer Intern
- Developed new features using Domain Driven Design and Django as part of the Point Management System team for an ecommerce website.
- Suggest adjustment in API design resulting in 2 times more data pattern coverage.
- Completed 1/3 of the assigned tasks from the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) which was ahead of schedule, delivering it 1 week earlier than planned.
As of Aug.2023
Programming Languages
Frontend Development
Backend Development
Each one is a unique piece of project that I have worked on.

Tokyo Train Delay
Web Application, Twitter bot and LINE bot providing train delay information in Tokyo. There was around 330 Twitter followers before service closed.

AI-House Automation
Automating dinner reservation process for AI-House HUB-4 student dormitory.

Naitei Journey
Job hunting management application that allows students to grasp job hunting status at a glance. User can add, edit, delete, and easily managing job application status in the form of a Kanban board-like style.

Online Othello
Online Othello game with lobby features. Players can create a room and invite their friends to play together.